Something or someone inspires just about every artist throughout their career. When Los Angeles based artist Brayden Bugazzi was growing up, he was obsessed with Jim Henson. “I used to sculpt clay puppet heads, and would make a cast of them, and render latex puppets that I would paint. My first dream was to be one of his artists, maybe I could have been an artist on Labyrinth part 2, or the Dark Chystal part 2.”

He continues to find inspiration all around him. Bugazzi recently collaborated with established photographer Karen Bystedt who captured amazing photographs by Andy Warhol. Bugazzi added his own spin to the Lost Warhol Series with a collaborative work entitled “The Game Changer,” and said it was a wonderful experience working with Bystedt.
Another work, The Jet Set was inspired originally by Robert Palmer and the Palmer girls. Bugazzi explains, “The presentation with his music fits into the idea of living a glamorous Jet Set lifestyle. The success of that series spawned my current works with the Pop Icons and creative uses of sunglasses.”
He is looking forward to showing his work at the upcoming Art in LA AfFair on February 13th through February 17th. He will be exhibiting several works along with an interactive work. Attendees can take photos in the work. The annual art fair is presented by AC Gallery, in partnership with Artsy. The opening night gala offers an open bar, appetizers and live music in the sculpture garden.

Bugazzi has had a busy couple of months. After participating in the Context Art Fair, alongside Art Basel at Art Miami Art Week, his work was exhibited at the LA Art Show. In additional to donating to wonderful causes like St Jude’s Hospital. Bugazzi will also be participating in the Superfine! Art show taking place from February 14th through 17th. Bugazzi has been commissioned to create a cityscape of Dallas for a Venture Capital firm in Dallas Texas. The artist will be presenting the work at the official grand opening of the new office space. To find out more about Brayden Bugazzi, his work and what all the buzz is about, visit his website, https://braydenart.com/

Art in LA AfFAIR takes place at AC Gallery, 1546 N. Highland AVE. Hollywood, 90028 on February 13th the through February 17th. The opening night art party (Wednesday, February 13th) will feature red carpet arrivals, appetizers and an open bar for VIP admission ONLY. There is an early preview 5:30pm to 6:30pm. Then from 8-11pm, the ticketed premiere event officially opens its doors. Tickets are $50 for the opening night gala and $10 for the show (Feb 14th through Feb17th). Show hours are 11am to 4pm throughout the weekend. Purchase tickets HERE for both the opening art party and the show days throughout the weekend. https://www.artinla.us/

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