PT’s Gold – The Tasty Gameday Experience
A trip to Las Vegas usually consists of well, what is considered the Las Vegas strip and usually not much else. There certainly is nothing wrong with that and who doesn’t get put into a […]
A trip to Las Vegas usually consists of well, what is considered the Las Vegas strip and usually not much else. There certainly is nothing wrong with that and who doesn’t get put into a […]
With a nod to Dante, it seemed fitting to summarize WAIKIKI with his famous title. For Hawaii might very well be considered a paradise of sorts, and the film makes the audience keenly aware of […]
The year 2020 will not be forgotten, and for the Cerda Family there has been an additional unexpected journey unfolding. With courage and grace they have bravely faced their ten year old son’s brain cancer. […]
When it comes to stunningly beautiful vacation settings, it is hard to top Southern California and the plethora of resorts that take you up and down the coast. With so many wonderful options sometimes it […]
Adobe Max 2020 was the most entertaining Max-tacular ever, with bravura celebrity moderators and presenters like Conan O’brien, Ava DuVernay, Chelsea Handler and mind-bending updates to apps like Photoshop. […]
It is 2020 and Covid – 19 is raging so how can Halloween be typical? Might this be the year to find an alternative to jack o lantern pumpkins? For example, Bloom & Wild, the […]
CHICAGO HISTORY MUSEUM TO CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN WITH VIRTUAL TOURS AND EVENT, “LOVECRAFT CHICAGO: HISTORY, HORROR, & AFROFUTURES” Experts in History, Psychology, Arts & Culture and more to Discuss Black horror through an examination of HBO’s […]
SYNOPSIS: Modern society sits at the intersection of two crucial questions: What does it mean when artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly governs our liberties? And what are the consequences for the people AI is biased against? […]
Halloween Happenings in Chicago include: Dining in the Dark, a Drag Brunch, a Murder Mystery Dinner and more COVID-19 NOTICE: All locations listed below will follow social distancing guidelines with masks required upon entry, while moving […]
To quote playwright Sean Devine, who penned DAISY, the story of media’s creative inroads into politics: “The commercial played only once. And we’re still talking about it.” Succinctly put, since academicians, pragmatists, and political pundits […]
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