Anyone who took piano lessons, or any sort of musical instrument/voice during their childhood, will appreciate what the main characters in the musical play Two Pianos Four Hands (2P4H) go through.

The story follows two extremely talented would-be concert pianists, as they tell us their childhood stories of pushy parents, odd teachers, neverending practice, social life sacrifices and dreams of being famous.

Piano duo, Ted (Adam LaSalle) and Richard (Matthew McGloin), work together to produce outstanding performances that are a combination of amazing musicians, actors, singers and comedians. 2P4P was both hilarious and poignant, also tugging at my heart strings while making me constantly laugh.

Piano wizardry and roaring comedy were combined as “piano nerds” Ted and Richard play classical, pop, and everything in between, all while portraying dozens of characters that took part in their humbling quest for musical greatness.

My friend and I, both singers, also took piano and voice lessons when we were younger. Watching what Ted and Richard go through during the play, we both could relate to what they went through striving to perfect their craft and become the best they could be, including famous. For my friend, it was a vaguely surreal experience, as she kept mentally going back and forth with memories that flashed back to piano lessons and math competitions.

As already mentioned, LaSalle and McGloin’s talents were beyond impressive, but it was their exceptional piano playing skills and emotional, raw and comedic performances that blew me away. Never, ever, in my life had I seen such two musically inclined individuals who played amazingly not just solo, but also in tandem, performing pieces together with superb timing.

The simple set design for the story fit the stage perfectly. It consisted of two black grand pianos facing one another on either side. Dada inspired musical notes hung above. LaSalle and McGloin’s flawless performances and talent then took over the grand pianos, while playing featured music by a variety of well known classical composers: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Schumann and Schubert and Liszt.

Recognizable pop tunes were referenced such as Heart and Soul (Hoagy Carmichael), Piano Man (Billy Joel), The Birch Canoe (Leila Fletcher), By the Stream (Richard Greenblatt) and My Funny Valentine (Richard Rodgers/Lorenz Hart).
This is the show of the summer that should not be missed. I highly recommend that whether you are a musician or not, or simply enjoy good comedy, drama and music, then 2 Hands 4 Pianos is the show for you.
For more information or to purchase tickets please visit the Northlight Theater website.
*Production has been extended through August 11, 2024.
Photos: Liz Lauren
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