Justin Weinstein, Shaping “The Law of WE”

Justin Weinstein
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Justin Weinstein Legal Team,
Photo credit: Weinstein Legal Team

We had the honor of interviewing Justin Weinstein, the Founding Partner of the Weinstein Legal Team, and discuss how he earned his Juris Doctor from Nova Southeastern University and was admitted to the Florida Bar in 2012. Since establishing his practice in Fort Lauderdale, FL in 2016, he has expanded the firm with offices in West Palm Beach, Orlando, and, most recently, Naples. We learned what sets Weinstein apart is his mission: he aims to be a trusted resource for his immediate community even before they find themselves in need of legal assistance. His dedication is so deep that he has shaped his firm’s entire mission around it, known as “The Law of WE.” This mission is dedicated to community empowerment through education, preparation, and protection surrounding all types of legal situations. Weinstein’s innovative approach has not only transformed Weinstein Legal but also left an indelible mark on South Florida’s community. He believes that the legal profession should help the community be more proactive rather than reactive. In addition to these internal company principles, Weinstein and the Weinstein Legal Team actively participate with local organizations like the Susan G Komen Foundation, MADD, Make-A-Wish Foundation, and many more.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what inspired you to become a personal injury lawyer? 

My close friend right after college convinced me to take the bar exam and go to law school. I had a major in business already and thought a law degree may separate me from the pack when I go to apply to either business or law careers. Funny thing is, my friend didn’t end up going to law school after all.

Photo credit: Weinstein Legal Team

Can you share the most interesting case/story that happened to you since you started your firm?  

Without getting into too much detail, we had a client that was shopping at a grocery store and was hit in the head with a box of frozen pizza while the store worker was stocking them in the freezer. We also were able to get a great recovery for a client who was injured attempting to retrieve their ball on a golf course.

Did you ever try other legal careers first? 

No, just internships with judges and law firms before becoming a lawyer.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?  

My coach Debra Heslin had helped me with both personal and professional challenges by providing tools to use in seriously stressful situations. Those situations happen frequently when you are growing a law firm and so those tools have helped me in making decisions, communicating with employees and clients, and silencing my inner critic.

Photo credit: Weinstein Legal Team

What is your favorite ”Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant or have you applied it to you in your life?

Life is full of ups and downs and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing. You will encounter obstacles in your life. Use them as feedback on how to move forward into the future. I also recently wrote my Monday morning minute newsletter about the story of the Chinese Farmer.

Photo credit: Weinstein Legal Team

What is the best way for our readers to follow you online?

Personally through my social media – Instagram and tiktok: jpweinstein. Facebook and linkedin are my name and our company website.


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