The Heart’s Awakening: A Journey with Corrina Steward

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In a quiet living room in Somerville, Massachusetts, something extraordinary was about to unfold. Corrina Steward, recently laid off from her job and seeking answers through meditation, couldn’t have known that a simple intention would crack open a doorway to transformation.

“I wanted to feel unconditional love,” she recalls, her voice still carrying the wonder of that moment. “I’d been reading about the Buddha and the Christ from this perspective of unconditional love, and I wanted to experience it.

What happened next defied explanation—Buddha, Jesus, and Martin Luther King Jr. appeared before her. Quite a combo, right?” she adds with a gentle laugh.

But it wasn’t their appearance that changed everything. It was what came next.

Courtesy of Corrina Steward. Photo by Paloma Esperanza Photography

“I felt unconditional love. It was this just beautiful outpouring… like the sun, just beamed on me, and I felt all this warmth and all this love” she remembers. “In that moment, I thought they were giving me the love. And of course, at that stage I was in, I would think that.”

When she asked to feel as their hearts felt, the response shifted her understanding forever: “It’s already in you. This is your heart.

It was a massive moment for me for a lot of reasons. Receiving a vision like this and an appearance like this—I’d never had that before. It was what I call an activation today. I didn’t know that then, but it was an activation of love in my heart.” She pauses, as though reliving the wonder. “Then I got even more curious to explore: What is this heart, then, that we have as humans? We talk about love emanating from the heart. I had never experienced it before—not like that. And that was the first time I understood that our heart is much more.

And then, all of a sudden, I started getting more visions. One was where I saw the planet, as if I was floating out in space and looking at the planet. With just this overflowing love in my heart, I was looking at the planet.

I received a message that said, ‘In the future, this will be Planet Earth’—this feeling I was having and looking at Planet Earth emanating love.

Courtesy of Corrina Steward. Photo by Paloma Esperanza Photography

This was in 2007. I remember the big car dealerships were going to go under, and the U.S. government bailed them out. As the crisis grew, it was explained to me that there would be a shift in money where it connected with our hearts. It was very interesting. I didn’t think anything about how that related to my own life.

You know, here I was in this inquiry with the Buddha, Jesus, and Martin Luther King. If they were even there, I don’t know. But it was, at least, this inquiry with the consciousness of unconditional love, showing me the trajectory of that on the planet. And I would say it was a trajectory where, if we open our hearts, if we take action that aligns with love…

So that really was the first moment of inspiration—information that awakened in me. There was something more for me, for all of us, and that there really was something going on on the planet that would change, that could change.”

When Energy Ignites

Today, Corrina guides others through what she calls “activations”—but don’t expect a clinical explanation. “It’s like an energy or an emotion, a feeling, a sensation that ignites inside of you,” she says, searching for words to capture something that exists beyond language.“If you’ve ever had any Reiki healing, you can feel the energy, the warmth, as it hits the body. That is an activation of energy that carries light, and in that light, it’s possible to heal.”

This healing, she explains, touches everything we are, “physically, emotionally, spiritually… because as humans, we are all of these things.

An activation transforms all of those layers of ourselves in an instant. And that’s what’s powerful about any sort of activation, because it can speed things up or collapse time.

Courtesy of Corrina Steward

You could go to therapy for a year to work on some sort of trauma that’s in your body,” she reflects, “or you could take those 12 months, and work with someone like me… I can heal a trauma in a one-hour session that you’ve had your whole life.

Activation works that way because it’s hitting all the layers of being. It’s reaching the spiritual dimension of us, and there’s a lot going on in the spiritual dimension—this is the greater consciousness that we are.”

“I know there’s more to these activations than what happens in a singular session,” I tell her. “I’ve been with you in Egypt, where you’ve guided people through them, and I know you’re returning soon so it is on my mind. But Egypt is just one example—you’ve taken people to incredible places all over the world. What is it about these locations and Egypt in particular that makes them so important?”

Her voice deepened, as though tapping into something ancient and unseen.

The Land That Speaks

“Land carries memory,” she said softly. “It’s alive, it’s conscious, even if we don’t communicate with it or relate to it in that way it is. You certainly can ask any sort of traditional person, Native American, indigenous, and they commune with the land and commune with the spirit of the land. The land carries this memory.

Places like Egypt are rich in memory, I’m trying to find the right words, because I would call them timelines, but it’s sort of like many epics or rises and falls. The interesting thing about Egypt is that it’s a storehouse. It’s a storehouse of information that is from the stars. I mean, that might stretch someone’s imagination. But it brings up questions like how did the pyramids really get built? And then the temples, when you go there, you can see evidence that those temples were electrified and lit up. And, wait, wait, wait, they didn’t have electricity then you might say. Well, maybe they did. Maybe they had a different kind of energy.”

As she spoke, I couldn’t help but feel the gravity of her words. Corrina’s connection to the land is tangible. There’s something almost sacred about the way she speaks of Egypt.

Courtesy of Corrina Steward. Photo by Mariah Michaud

“You know, these are mysteries. Let’s least put it this way, these are mysteries that we haven’t been able to solve from the state of consciousness that we’re in currently. When you walk on the land in a place like Egypt. Especially someone like me, I can hear the walls speaking. I can hear the land speaking, and it tells me her secrets, and it starts to fill in some of those blanks.

When I go to places like Egypt and take people there to receive activations, it is to receive the consciousness that exists in that land, in those temples, on the Nile river, all those places have been imprinted with memory. Water holds memory too, and it’s been imprinted there as well. So for many of us, especially you know those that are curious, to explore the deeper part of our being, spiritually on a consciousness level, you go to these places, and it accelerates the process, because you’re being activated just by walking into a temple, just by walking into the king’s chamber, just by being on the boat on the Nile.”

She paused, a wistful look crossing her face.

“The first time I went, you were there on that trip with me. I had such a memory of the Nile River, and I had a memory of that land, and it made me weep at first, because some part of my heart was there. And that began to activate me, into more of my own wisdom and why I’m here.

You see when you are there purpose begins to open up into greater understanding. So when I’m bringing a group into a place like Egypt, I’m accelerating your purpose. I’m accelerating your healing. And because I particularly work in the space of wealth consciousness, I’m accelerating your belief in your ability and your capacity to receive more—more money, more love, more health. It transforms you into receiving all of that because the activations close up any of the gaps, or the holes that have existed within you.

And Egypt, particularly, those who are called to go to Egypt. Because Egypt isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, Those who are called there already have a personal relationship to Egypt. It’s personal for them. And while it is hard to say what’s going to open for someone, amazing things always open for everyone on these trips. Often you discover like, wow, I’m a healer. Didn’t know that. Or I’m a book writer. I’m a…THIS is who I am. Purpose essentially accelerates there, typically, because there’s some part of you that is in the memory of the land, in the memory of the temples, the memory of the pyramid.”

Courtesy of Corrina Steward

Intrigued by how this aligns with my personal experiences in Egypt, I asked how traveling with her differs from a typical tour, like one you might take with Geographic. She answered me with a hint of amusement, “Look, it’s a big difference. You could do a traditional like say a National Geographic tour – it’s going to be beautiful and amazing. You’re going to have a great experience, it’s going to be rich in some of the history. I would probably contend some of the history is incorrect,” she adds with a knowing smile. “But going with me on any of these trips, whether they are Egypt, Puerto Rico, or any other power spot on earth, is an experience. It’s a transformation. You are receiving activations and unlocking codes. You become another version of yourself. And that happens without you needing to plan it, or worry about the how do I do that. It just naturally happens in my space. It’s what I do for people. Healing happens. Purpose and growth is born. Businesses are born. New careers are born. It is what occurs. It’s an alchemy of your Spirit coming into your body.”

“Your explanation of these transformations, activations that come from traveling with you to these power spots are fascinating. I personally have many examples I could give to highlight your words. However for the purpose of this article I want to discuss what I know about you and your work as it goes even deeper than travel.” I said, shifting the focus. “You say you help people unlock codes that are inside of them, that are specific to them. What exactly is a code?”

Unlocking Your Personal Codes

When Corrina speaks about ‘codes,’ she leans forward, searching for the right words to explain something that exists at the edge of ordinary understanding. “Boy,” she begins, taking a thoughtful pause, “they range so much. When we talk code, right? Code is information. Like computer programming, it’s the first precursor of creation.”

But these aren’t just abstract concepts. These codes, she explains, are as fundamental to who we are as is our DNA. “They truly are parts of yourself that just hadn’t been awakened,” she says, her eyes lighting up as she describes what happens when these dormant aspects finally stir to life.

“Sometimes it’s a woman or a man discovering their power – not just intellectually understanding it, but feeling it course through their being. They come away after that, being anchored in it, grounded in it. They feel their power. They’re elevated in their power,” Corrina explains, her voice carrying the enthusiasm of someone who has witnessed these transformations countless times. “And so when you go home, that power has you taking new action. That power has you creating from a new place.

Courtesy of Corrina Steward

For others, it might be the awakening of spiritual gifts they never knew they possessed. Up until that transformation, you may not have given permission to that part of yourself to exist in your life,” she reflects. “If you’re a healer, for example, but you didn’t really let that part of you exist… you go to Egypt and it unlocks your ability to heal people, or your ability to heal animals or whatever form it takes as healing can take many forms. Well then you can no longer deny it, and it becomes easy. There’s an ease because it IS YOU. The same way DNA is inherent to you, like the color of your eyes, this is a part of you. When these codes unlock, what is unlocked is parts of yourself that have been dormant and haven’t been awakened.”

The Journey Home

Curious, I said, “what happens after these profound awakenings? After the codes are unlocked and the activations have shifted everything?”

“It’s really hard on your own,” she admits, drawing from her own experience. “I struggled to put the pieces together for over 10 years without having a mentor. There were people here and there that were on the journey with me, but I didn’t have anyone that could show me the way, because they had walked through it.”

Courtesy of Corrina Steward. Photo by Paloma Esperanza Photography

This is why she now serves as a guide for others. Her approach isn’t about following a predetermined path – it’s deeply intuitive and personal. “I am always going to approach it from what can I see and what do I know,” she explains. “Because I’m gifted spiritually. I have deep intuition. I have clairvoyance. I can hear messages.”

She shared a recent story about a client in the health coaching world who had been “in chaos” for two years with her purpose. “In 24 hours, I straightened it all out for her,” Corrina said, not with pride but with the simple joy of someone who knows exactly how to help. “She said, ‘Oh my gosh, Corrina, literally in the last 24 hours, you’ve answered every single question that I’ve been asking myself and trying to answer for the last two years.’”

Vision for the World

I asked Corrina if she had any final thoughts before we finished the interview. She paused, as if looking deeply into herself, and replied, “I think of us on the planet like we’re all in the same ship, you know. It’s literally like we think of Earth as this boat, and we are all on the same boat. And if you find yourself right now in a place of darkness and struggle of any kind, likely someone else is, too.

At the same time, there’s also someone who’s been there and has found their way through it. And if you can imagine all of us in this amazing diversity that we are—who we are as humans—and the diversity of experiences that we’re all having in one simultaneous day, we’re experiencing it together. Actually, even if you feel alone in it, you’re not.

I really think about that first meditation, hovering over the Earth, seeing and feeling the heartbeat of the planet—our heartbeat. And if you can just bring that in, to know, Okay, I’m going to be okay, because someone else went through this. And they’re okay now. Even if you don’t know who they are.

Or, if you’re in a great place and you hear about someone who’s struggling, it’s like, Okay, how can you reach out? You know, the hand—reach out. Even if it’s just sending a prayer or an intention in your heart, like, Hey, I’m here, too, and I see you. I’m on this boat with you.

Courtesy of Corrina Steward

I really believe that. I believe we can get through anything when we know we’re not alone. It’s connection that gives us hope. It’s connection that heals. When people know that someone noticed—if someone reached out, even a stranger—it’s like, somehow, it just gets better. Maybe nothing physically changes, but it gets better.”

This deep heart connection is the essence of Corrina’s work – whether it’s through activations in ancient temples, unlocking personal codes, or providing clarity as a mentor. It’s about helping people remember who they truly are, piece by piece, mystery by mystery, wonder by wonder.

The transformations she facilitates aren’t about becoming something new – they’re about remembering something ancient and true that has always been there, waiting to be awakened. Like that moment in her living room years ago, when she discovered that the unconditional love, she sought wasn’t something to be given to her – it was already within her heart, waiting to be recognized.

And perhaps that’s the most magical part of Corrina’s work: the recognition that within each of us lies an unlimited capacity for love, wisdom, and purpose – we need only remember who we truly are.

Learn more about Corrina and follow her journey on Instagram: @CorrinaDawnSteward.


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