Discovering the Inn Above Oak Creek
Sometimes, necessity can be the mother of serendipity. Such was the case when we found ourselves needing to travel to a location several hours away for a couple of days, at the height of the […]
Sometimes, necessity can be the mother of serendipity. Such was the case when we found ourselves needing to travel to a location several hours away for a couple of days, at the height of the […]
Old film classics die hard, if ever. “It’s A Wonderful Life”, “The Wizard of Oz”, “Casablanca”, and…“Rocky Horror Picture Show”(!?!) are just a few examples of movies that have left such indelible marks on us […]
There is a popular expression that goes like this: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. This oft used phrase succinctly encapsulates the philosophy that even the worst situations can be turned around. It encourages […]
The hit musical “Cabaret” is currently enjoying its fourth Broadway revival, 58 years after its debut performance. It continues to play sold-out performances across the country, including at The Phoenix Theatre Company (TPTC). Over the […]
We writers often wrestle with the issue of envisioning our characters too vividly. Height, weight, gender, skin color, attractiveness, etc. all creep into our character development, whether intentionally or not. Ideally, in such a competitive […]
Tevye sang to me. I had never seen the Broadway play, nor had I ever watched the movie. My memories of Tevye, and of his little town of Anatevka, were born out of the show’s […]
This past weekend, The Bridge Initiative, in partnership with the Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence (ACESDV) hosted the world premiere of The Flora and Fauna. The Flora and Fauna is a serious […]
On March 19, 2024, just three days short of his 89th birthday, Michael Emmet Walsh departed this Earth. Known to the world as M. Emmet Walsh, the ornery old character actor spent the last seven […]
One of the most enjoyable experiences in memory occurred at The Phoenix Theatre Company the other night. On that evening, we were treated to a personal journey of hope, despair, and resilience wrapped in a […]
A most unique and enjoyable production of the critically-acclaimed The Lehman Trilogy opened at The Phoenix Company this past Friday. On its surface, it is an intimate look at an immigrant family adapting to radical […]
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