Wine in Bottles or Cans – Apples and Oranges
Is wine in 375 milliliter bottles on a route to becoming a relic of the past? No, there is no way we will be saying goodbye to the familiar containers of wine. In many parts of […]
Is wine in 375 milliliter bottles on a route to becoming a relic of the past? No, there is no way we will be saying goodbye to the familiar containers of wine. In many parts of […]
Latkes are known by many names and figure in many jokes. Humorists call them Jewish frisbees, circles of health and flat French fries, but are more easily identified as potato pancakes. Under any name they […]
I’ve always been a patsy for toffee. Put me near a boardwalk and I immediately gravitate to the nearest toffee vendor. At the Summer Fancy Food Show his year, I felt the same pull and […]
Two significant dates stand out on my calendar for September. Summer exits and Autumn makes its formal arrival on the 22nd. The second date is Rosh Hashonah, on the 20th, marking the start of a […]
My colleague, writer Matt Kramer, once offered up his definition of Champagne as, “a proprietary name for an alchemy process in which carbon dioxide is added to otherwise undrinkable wine, turning it into gold.” That […]
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